Produse pentru pacării gbb pentru animale (3)

Capsule Epafit - Capsule și tablete

Capsule Epafit - Capsule și tablete

For the dietary treatment of inflammatory rheumatism complaints Anyone who suffers from painful inflammatory rheumatic complaints, must payparticular attention tohis diet. A rheumatic based diet primarily means not to take in the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid from foods of animal origin, but instead much omega-3 fatty acids from cold water fish, especially EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). However, sufficient intake of EPA can usually not be achieved over the normal diet. Epafit Capsules can help to meet this increased demand naturally and thus to improve your wellbeing. Epafit capsules contain 650 mg of fish oil concentrate, with at least 75 % highly concentrated omega-3 fatty acids. Of these are at least 325 mg EPA per capsule. In addition, each Epafit Capsule contains 15 mg (22 I.U.) vitamin E of plant origin. We recommened to take during the first 4 weeks 3 Epafit Capsules daily. Thereafter take 2 capsules per day. Art. No.:200
Aliment Bio pentru Câini Amestec de Legume - Amestec Bio de Legume pentru Câini   Compoziție: 50% dovleac și 50% conopidă fiartă

Aliment Bio pentru Câini Amestec de Legume - Amestec Bio de Legume pentru Câini Compoziție: 50% dovleac și 50% conopidă fiartă

Fütterungsempfehlung: Leicht verdaulicher Gemüsemus als Futterergänzung zu Fleisch oder Nassfutter. Eine Mahlzeit kann z.B. aus 70% Fleisch/Nassfutter und 30% Gemüsemus bestehen. Reich an Inulin. Ideal für BARF. Analytische Bestandteile: Protein 0,8%, Fettgehalt 0,4%, Rohfaser 2,9%, Feuchtigkeit 90%
BronchoVITAL - PUDRĂ NUTRIENTĂ BIO pentru Câini - DE-ÖKO-007

BronchoVITAL - PUDRĂ NUTRIENTĂ BIO pentru Câini - DE-ÖKO-007

VULFI's Pulver BronchoVITAL enthält schleimlösende Heilpflanzen zur Unterstützung deines Hundes mit leichten Atemwegsproblemen und trockenem Husten. MultiKomplexFormel: 15 ausgewählte Kräuter bei leichten Problemen mit den Atemwegen mit Andorn, Anis und Lindenblüten alle Zutaten in BIO-Qualität 200 Gramm Inhalt